Kathy, aka Kathy Boone Santaniello, was a Christian, a travel agent, a Russian linguist, a soldier, a Sergeant, a wife, a mother and grandmother, a defense department security officer, a private investigator, an author, a trustee, an American Legion Post Commander, a philanthropist, and an organ donor. And she was an adventurer. For her sixtieth birthday, she went skydiving! She always had a smile on her face, and she could get anyone out of a bad mood. Even at her sickest should could melt peoples’ heart with that smile, or simply by raising her eyebrows.
Kathy was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis, an advanced liver disease, in 2015. And she fought it valiantly for seven years, before passing away of complications on June 26th, 2022. Her family and friends dearly miss her.
She is survived by her husband of thirty-six years, Peter, two daughters, Regina and Theresa, and three grandchildren. And also two older sisters, Debby and Sandi. She lived in Tucson, Arizona.
Her obituary can be found here.