David died in a car accident in Kirkland on October 26, 1974. He was driving westbound on Northeast 72nd Place when his car jumped a curb and rolled down an embankment. He was only 20 years old.
John Clendon "Hoss" DeRoulet, Jr.
John was murdered by fellow IHS student William Gregory Warren on July 28, 1973. His body was found the next day in Frink Park on Lake Washington in the Leschi area. He had been shot six times in t...
Clayton Dale Carlisle
Clayton was a forestry management major at the University of Washington. He passed away in a tragic helicopter accident on July 16, 1973, while trying to fight a forest fire near Sulton Lake. While...
James Randall "Randy" Sharp
Randy committed suicide in December of 1972, and his funeral was later held at St. Louise.
Erik Edvard Helppie
Erik was the first Interlake ASB President, and he was also a well-known nationally ranked debate champion. He died of cancer on August 3, 1972, just three years after he graduated from high school...
Steven Lee Johnson
Steve died on Sunday, May 28, 1972. He and his fiancee were rafting on the Yakima River, near Thorp, WA, when her raft flipped over. Steve walked along a railroad trestle to attempt to go out and r...
Richard Deane "Rick" Smith
Richard Dean Smith, private first class USMC, was killed in action from multiple fragmentation wounds in a battle in Quang Nam Province, South Vietnam on May 25, 1970. His name is listed on panel 1...
James M. Faulk
James was killed in a car crash on May 3, 1970, during his junior year of high school. He was only 16 years old.
Leif F. Jonsson
Leif passed away in an accidental fall at his home.
Tony Robert Wakefield
Tony was killed in a train accident at some point in the 70s.
Thomas A. Thomas
Tom died in a skiing accident in the mid 80’s.
Theresa "Terri" Kraft
Terri was also known as Theresa Kraft Jones
Mindy Warner
Mindy died very young. She passed away of kidney failure at some point in the early 70s, prior to graduating from Interlake.
Jenifer F. "Jenny" Moore
Jenny died in a car accident near Big Bear, CA.